A New Blog
I tweeted today that I had setup a new blog. I have had a blog for the last 4 years and I have only written a handful of articles on subjects that have interested me at the time.
I have moved to from Sandra.Snow to Ghost and basically had all the same problems the Troy Hunt did, so read how he migrated over at troyhunt.com here and here.
From now on my plan is to focus my blog on helping developers build scalable applications for the cloud.
This reinvigoration is partly down to John Sonmaz’s email course I have recently worked through. Titled “How to Create a Blog to Boost Your Career” it is a free email course. John emails you twice a week for 3 weeks and tells you exactly how to start blogging.
I really recommend the course if you want to start blogging or, like me, have a blog but don’t know what to do with it.
Sign up here if you are interested. And if I don’t write an article for a couple of weeks slam me on twitter or something.
– Rich